ESG Central

Your guide to the latest ESG news and insights

ESG Central

ESG Central is your one-stop-shop for the latest news, analysis and case studies related to the climate and the wider sustainability agenda. Sponsored exclusively by HSBC, this digital publication brings together in-house experts and independent voices to help you make informed decisions and inspire positive change – all part of our mission to support our customers in the transition to a more sustainable world.

Can the transition really be just?

Our latest issue considers whether the costs and benefits of climate action can be equitably distributed among countries, communities and households. We also explore how ESG investing will fare in the face of soaring inflation and turbulent market, explain the implications of the latest report from the UN's top climate scientists and examine innovations in greener packaging – and much more.


Download the latest issue

Keeping up with the latest developments in sustainability has never been more important – or more challenging. Each month, ESG Central provides a convenient and accessible guide to the major developments in regulation, finance and technology that are shaping the global agenda. In today's fast-changing world, HSBC is committed to helping our clients find the practical insights they need to thrive through the transition.

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#WhyESGMatters | The Handbook | 2nd Edition

We have updated our #WhyESGMatters handbook adding sections on the urgency of climate action in 2022 and the importance of ESG factors on bond investment, in addition to other topics from "green" hydrogen to plastic pollution and more.




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